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Generation Chatbot

Generation Chatbot Gen Z is going all-in on using AI at work — and it’s giving them a huge advantageAbigail Carlos was bracing for a busy holiday season as her employer, Warner Bros. Discovery, was gearing up to launch a suite of new shows. A media strategist, Carlos had to assign complex tasks to her team members, and she needed a hand. So she asked ChatGPT and Perplexity to organize it all in emails that sounded both professional and personable.”AI cuts my workload in half,” she tells me. She’s been using various AI tools for years. In her past roles running social media accounts, she’d use a chatbot to help write posts. Now she uses it to do tedious tasks

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Why Hire A Recruitment Agency

by Adolfo Ramirez Databases of the best candidates Recruitment Agencies have huge databases of candidates for each role in the industries they specialize. Many of these candidates are ones with whom they’ve cultivated relationships over time. Once they have a new role in their hands, they can reach out to those top candidates they interacted with in the past and offer them new roles. This reduces the time you need to spend to get a new candidate on board. Speed up the process By handing over your search to a Recruitment Agency, your team can focus on other important things. Once NIAH Recruiting has a new role from a client, we dedicate an entire pod to the search. That includes

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Resume Tips!

Lots of people hit me up for these on the regular, so I thought it would be worth sharing the advice I have been giving them: Take your full address off. City and state are fine. Would you believe some employers may use this demographic information against you, even checking Zillow for home price etc? Assume that anyone could be reading your resume. While it could be the CTO, it could be a new college grad or even intern in the recruiting department. More junior and/or less technical staff may just be looking to see that your resume checks off all of the boxes in the job description. In that case, if the JD says, “Experience with Javascript frameworks” and

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How to beat ageism in start-up hiring

I hate it, but ageism does very much exist in hiring today, especially in startups. A few things I recommend for the resume: 1) Do not put your graduation date on your resume. It is not relevant to whether you are qualified for the job, and the employer cannot legally ask this until background check phase. 2) You do not have to start your resume with your first job out of college. Instead, start with the first job you had that is directly relevant to the one to which you are applying. If you’re a Front End Developer, just 3 past roles with Javascript, JQuery, and Angular.JS, nothing about your time in the food service industry. 3) List skills under

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Recruiting is people-watching, on a deep level

I was at a hotel bar, when two guys struck up a conversation with me: the typical, “Where are you from and what do you do?” It turned out they sold commercial insurance. They in fact had insured this very building, the W hotel. They’ve insured billions of dollars of property across the state. I asked them how the seemingly increasing number of catastrophic hurricanes and other events is affecting their industry. How could you possibly build the impossible into your risk model? They told me about how they build their portfolios to minimize risk, and how they insure very specific things; now a thing called “Terrorism Insurance” exists. They told me a lot of what they deal with are

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Don’t quit over the Office B*tch

Shelley (not her real name of course) was a walking rain cloud. If you came into the office feeling great, she had a talent for taking that down a notch. Or 10. She once randomly asked me if I’d been punched in the face, because for some reason she thought I looked like I had. She cared so much about her work and the product, but sometimes that manifested as her yelling at people about design or architectural decisions. In email, that meant ALL CAPS. So, it’s no surprise she forgot your name, or at least pretended to forget. She called you Intern all week long, but what you didn’t know is we’d all been called worse. You caught me

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10 reasons companies toss your resume

Some of the best people for the job have the worst resumes. They’re likely to have been steadily employed, for long stretches of time, and have been sought out by employers, and thus may never had to learn resume writing skills. One of my jobs as a recruiter is to be honest and coach those candidates on writing a better resume before submitting them to clients, as the resume is the foot in the door. Here are the top resume faux pas I see: 1. It’s too long. Academics commit this sin more than others, as the academic CV is usually a lengthy listing of publications. Though you worked hard on those and have reason to be proud, if they

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How to really prepare for the career fair

Here’s a bit of career fair advice, from the other side of the table. When to go – As soon as possible! The most prepared students start going to job fairs as freshmen. Establish relationships with recruiters, ask what classes you should take to be a good fit for their company in the future, etc. Come final semester of your senior year, it’s too late to sign up for those classes. A company with open roles will give you way better career advice than your career center; they know what is hot and marketable. In terms of fair day, also try to go as soon as possible. Recruiters are people too, and our energy is waning towards the end after

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